Tasting buds are quite active for Michelin-starred chef Tom Kerridge, is a British, who is well known for his flooring cooking skills started his career before the culinary as a child actor though. He has made top ranking in a number of cooking shows such as “Master Chef” and “Great British Menu”.

His weight gain probably signifies that he eats just as much as he cooks. He wasn’t concerned about his weight gain credit report until it began to hinder his daily activities. Determined to shed some pounds, the popular Chef decided to resort to a low-calorie diet and stop his alcohol intake. Heaviest chef had about more than 10 pints of beer per day cut down all his boozy beverages and his diet is so called “dopamine diets” and his recipes were revealed as a book “Lose weight and get fit” later to the audience.After three years, he had dropped 168 pounds. He now looks healthier and lighter than before.